

Object name: Fan
Date: 1750-1900
220 mm
Medium: Wood, paper, silk
Object number: C12190
DescriptionSmall or "brise" fan made of pierced wood panels with rounded ends. It is painted with enamelled images including Red Riding Hood, golden ferns, flowers and angels.
Fans were a popular accessory in Europe since the early traders brought versions back from China and the Far East many hundreds of years ago.
Fixed fans are found in many cultures and date from ancient times. Folding fans like this one existed from early times but were almost exclusive to royalty until they spread across all wealthy classes in society during the 17th century.
Fans were often large and elaborate and used to signal all sorts of social and emotional states but in the 19th century they became less cumbersome and less exclusive and fashionable before dying out as a must-have accessory for the wealthy in the early 20th century.
A brise fan is a simple folding fan, which can be decorative but is much easier to handle than the plumed or elaborate types. The original catalogue calls this a child's fan possibly because of the decoration but it could simply be a small fan.