

Object name: Tile
Date: 1620-1900
Medium: Glazed earthenware
Object number: C01482
DescriptionBlue and white Delft ware tile featuring a tiled room with a column, and a King with a large hat. He is seated while a female stands before him, holding up a layer of skirt. It probably depicts King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. In the bible, the Queen of Sheba visits Solomon, bringing with her a large retinue, and gifts of gold, spices and precious stones. She asks him difficult questions which he answers to her satisfaction.
Many of the craftsmen who made these tiles in Holland travelled to London, bringing their skills with them. "Delftware" factories were set up along the river in Southwark and Lambeth. One of the earliest opened at Montague Close (near Southwark Cathedral) around 1613.