Peter Green OBE, RE

Peter Green OBE, RE

born 1933

b. 1933 in England.

Studied at the Brighton College of Art. One-man exhibitions include those at Rumbold Gallery, Sussex (1962); Gallery 273, London (1963); Crafts Centre of Great Britain (1964); Detroit Art Gallery (1967); London Graphic Arts (1969).

Green received his membership of the Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers (RE) in 1958. Since then Green has developed a career both as an art teacher and a printmaker, and has held a number of teaching posts and on various committees. In 1967 Green was appointed Head of the Postgraduate Art Teacher Training Department at Hornsey College of Art. During the 1970s and 1980s Green was appointed to the Crafts Council of Great Britain and chaired its Education Committee for six years. In 1978 he became Dean of the Faculty of Art and Design at Middlesex Polytechnic and a Professor of Art and Design in 1983. Green was appointed OBE in 1988.

Green is represented by a number of public collections including the Arts Council, Victoria and Albert Museum, Walker Art Gallery, Towner Art Gallery, Cecil Higgins Museum, Laing Art Gallery, Birmingham City Art Gallery, and the University of Wales, among others.

Benjamin Angwin - October 2014